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July 6, 2022
9:30 am - 3:30 pm

Computer Basics 102

Computer Basics 102

Do you want to land a new job and advance your career? Our no-cost computer training courses prepare job seekers with the skills to achieve a higher-paying position. It’s more than an online class; you will earn a nationally recognized certification (Northstar Digital Literacy Certificate) that demonstrates your new digital literacy skills.

In Computer Basics 102 you will learn:

  • The basics of Mac OS
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft PowerPoint

Take the Computer Basics 102 course to learn the basic and advanced software skills to impress employers.


We’re here to help you build your better future. We also offer this class virtually, if you are interested please call us at 602-535-4444 or e-mail contactcenter@goodwillaz.org to get started.

  1. Virtual (Please contact us at 602-535-4444)