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Benefits of Mentorship

January 10, 2020

Whether you are just starting on your career path or have been in the workforce for many years – there are various ways to improve your skill set and industry knowledge. Mentorship is a great avenue to expand what you know and to establish a point of contact for career-related discussions. A mentor can provide work advice, industry-specific insight, encouragement during a project, and opportunities to network. Also, having a mentor can boost your morale and increase your knowledge base, which in turn makes you a valuable hire and ideal team member. Here are other benefits of mentorship and ways to find a program in your field.

 Asking Questions and Getting Advice
When seeking a mentor, it’s essential to consider their experience and the duration of their tenure. By connecting with someone who has detailed information and a catalog of experience, you will receive sound advice in many situations. Your mentor should be experienced and have a history of career advancement, promotion, or other recognition. These credentials will ensure you match with the best person to answer your questions, provide feedback on projects, and give valuable insight. You may find that you can progress faster toward your career goals with new information or ideas presented by your mentor.

Expand Your Network
If you are looking to enter a different field or connect with individuals in your current community – networking is a beneficial strategy to meet new people. A mentor can help establish relationships and facilitate introductions with key industry partners. Although networking events can yield potential contacts and exchanges, a mentor can often streamline the process and vouch for your credentials in advance. Many lucrative business opportunities can result from a mentor’s introduction, which increases your potential to evolve in the workplace. If you are associated with numerous successful people, you will boost the probability of achieving your goals and earning a rewarding career.

Evaluation & Encouragement
A mentor can help you accomplish your goals by using feedback and accountability. They will serve as the point-person that reminds you to move forward and follow through on projects. Mentorship programs help increase your morale by providing suggestions and ideas if you experience a setback. Mentors offer resources that can help you advance quickly, such as references to contact, information about events and workshops, one-on-one coaching, and review on your job progress. Weekly meetings and conversations keep the momentum going, increase your motivation, and expose you to fresh perspectives and approaches.

Finding a Mentor
If you are unsure of how to meet a mentor, there are several ways to get connected. Be on the lookout for industry events at your current job or meetups in your area – you can often find them through a basic web search. Social media and networking sites like LinkedIn can help you find someone whose career path is of interest and connect you instantaneously. Online mentorship websites are also gaining popularity and allow you to communicate from a virtual location. Think outside of the box and consider fitness groups, volunteer events, or even your local coffee shop! An ideal mentor will be likeminded and have similar interests and hobbies. They will likely spend time in the same places you do and could be a potential connect in the business world. Goodwill offers a mentorship program for internal employees who would like to job shadow and learn from someone in another department. If you are a Goodwill employee, contact your manager for more information about team enrichment.

Are you ready to advance your career? Goodwill provides no-cost career services for anyone seeking employment or a higher-paying job. We offer job seekers the tools and resources to feel confidence, purpose-driven, and successful. Goodwill’s My Career Advisor is the best place to start if you’re planning for the future. Signing up is quick, easy, and free.