August 9, 2022
What is your top tip for transitioning into a new career smoothly?
To help you smoothly move into a new career, we asked recruiting experts and other business leaders this question for their best tips. From growing your network to leaving your comfort zone behind, there are several strategies that will have you transitioning into your new career path with ease.
Here are 10 tips for transitioning into a new career:
If you’re switching careers, finding people who inspire you and guide you in shaping your new career path is essential. There is no better way to look for support than engaging in your new community. That way, you can grow your network and meet experts to help you find out what you want to achieve. You can do it by participating in conferences or joining different online communities. However, remember to add value too. Be active when entering a forum and think about how you can bring benefits to your community. Maybe your previous work experience can give you insights that can be useful in your new field? Be creative, and never be afraid to use the power of your connections!
Dorota Lysienia, LiveCareer
Meet everyone. You may think I’m exaggerating, but I honestly mean it. When you’re transitioning into a new career, meet every single person on the team. When you introduce yourself to everyone at your new company and put yourself out there, you’re creating a support network for yourself, and that support network is going to help you smoothly transition into your new career.
People love when there are new and engaged team members because it validates their work, and the more you demonstrate that you are excited and engaged in the company, the more people will want to help you grow and succeed. So make it a point to introduce yourself to everyone at your new company, and you’ll set yourself up for a successful transition into your new career.
Staci Brinkman, Sips by
Transitioning into a new career can be a daunting experience no matter how far along you are on your career path. New people, new ways of thinking, new responsibilities—the list is endless. So, how does someone navigate all of these new changes in their professional life? Learn the language. Every career, every industry, every workplace has its own language spoken among the people in those positions. Learn that language as quickly as you can, and easy assimilation will follow.
Language is unique in that it can be a connector or divider of humans. If someone doesn’t understand a language being spoken, they can quickly feel alienated. Same applies to a new career. Quickly learn the different phrases and words and acronyms of your new career, and you should be able to adapt to the rest much easier.
Jeffrey Zhou, Fig Loans
When transitioning into a new career, you cannot overlook the importance of your new working relationships. We all need to feel part of a team to succeed, and settling into your new job will go smoother if you prioritize building strong working relationships with new colleagues. The security and emotional support we benefit from when part of a team is often something that gets overlooked when transitioning to a new job or team. It’s easy to think that you need to keep your head down and stay focused when settling in, but investing your energy into building strong relationships with your new team will help you feel supported from the very beginning.
Stephan Baldwin, Assisted Living Center
Learn more about the new career path before leaving your current job. For example, suppose you want to pursue freelance copywriting after working in an office. In that case, you can take copywriting classes outside of work and start networking to see who would be interested in your services. Once you’ve mastered your skills and made some substantial connections, it may be safer for you to quit your job to be a freelance copywriter.
Drew Sherman, Carvaygo
Write a cover letter detailing your career change motivations and goals. Outlining why you want to transition into a new role or industry will help you maintain inspiration and confidence as you enter uncharted territory. You can adapt your cover letter to make it relevant for whatever position you apply for, persuading hiring professionals that you have the experience and skillset to thrive. The information you provide in your cover letter will also serve as a great launching point for more in-depth conversations during the interview.
Alexandra Fennell, Attn: Grace
Research is key to being able to transition into a new career. Not only will you be able to identify the required skills and certification needed for the role, but you’ll also be able to generate enough information to help you prepare for the role, get you up-to-speed and ensure you have the self-confidence that comes with knowing what you’re doing, what you’re up against and everything you need to know from skills required, to companies that offer the jobs you’re interested in and what you need to land the career of your dreams.
Nicole Thelin, Low Income Relief
Identify what skills you’re missing early, and work to address them. Whether you’re transitioning to a new company, a new role in your current field or a new career entirely, there are always knowledge gaps at the start. Two good ways to get a feel for yours are to cross-reference the job listing with your existing skills and to conduct informational interviews with people already in similar roles.
Once you determine the areas where you can improve, you can set up a game plan to address them. Depending on the skills in question, this could mean anything from learning new protocols to taking courses. By bridging these gaps, you set yourself up for a smooth transition.
Rachel Reid, Subtl Beauty
Personally, I think it’s always better to have a support system, especially in big life transitions. That’s why I feel the best way to smoothly transition into a new career is to find a mentor who is an expert in the field, and who can be your support system. Your mentor will guide you, hold you accountable, offer advice, and will be your sounding board. And with their support, you’ll become more confident in your new abilities every day. Big transitions, like moving into a new career, are likely to be a little rough, so find someone who can be your mentor and help manage this transition smoothly and successfully.
Scott O’Brien, PPC Ad Lab
My top tip for transitioning into a new career is to embrace change. Times of transition often generate uncertainty, as you navigate the shift in a different direction. Being able to embrace change, and trust in your ability to adapt, will help you to progress smoothly along the path to success. Accepting change will allow you to anticipate challenges, and to meet them with confidence. It will also promote a positive mindset, boost resilience, and facilitate progress.
Changing careers often takes you out of your comfort zone, but that isn’t a bad thing. In fact, that’s often where the biggest gains are made. Change is inevitable, but by welcoming it you can create opportunities for learning, growth, and development. This can increase your confidence, facilitate trust in your capability, and enable you to move forward in your new career with purpose, passion, and determination.
Mario Cacciottolo, SBO