August 14, 2020
Goodwill is a resource and partner for anyone seeking employment or a higher-paying job. We work with job seekers and local employers to place tens of thousands of individuals in jobs each year, funded by Goodwill donations. Goodwill’s My Career Advisor is the best place to start if you’re looking for a job. Signing up is quick, easy, and free.
Searching for a job is a great undertaking, whether you’re looking for seasonal part-time employment or a career position. A lot of time and effort goes into finding a job. We’re here to help you get the process started.
If you’re looking to enter the workforce or seeking a career change – a computer is a great resource to begin your search. Job search engines are catalogs of available opportunities that span virtually any industry, skill level, or pay grade. If you know how to use a computer, your job search will become that much easier! The internet gives you access to company websites and other job search engines where you can submit a resume, cover letter, and application. There are many other tools for job seekers that are also available online and may save you a lot of time.
Searching for a job online is where you’ll most likely find openings for remote jobs or work from home positions. Many job search engines allow you to filter job types for those that allow you to work from home and not in an office. Other preferences like salary or hourly range, title, and location are available as well.
Here are some of the most helpful online job search websites we’ve found:
Once you select your job search filters, you can type in the job title you’re interested in. Then a list of open job positions will appear on the screen. You can simply click on the job post to learn more about the position and how to apply. You might be redirected to a different website to apply. Most applications require a resume and cover letter, so it’s important to have those documents ready and saved so you can easily upload them to your application.
We highly recommend applying for more than one job at a time. It’s important to note that you might not hear back from all the jobs you apply to. This doesn’t always mean it’s because you’re not qualified. Many companies receive hundreds and even thousands of job applications, so it’s sometimes impossible to get back to every applicant.
Many industries are changing quickly – by way of technological advances, new protocol, and updating old systems and processes that no longer benefit the company. Staying in the know is one of the main reasons why computer literacy is the most crucial skill to have in the modern workplace. Even if you feel that your career path does not rely heavily on computer know-how, it is still essential to know how to use most systems. Basic computer literacy, knowledge of Microsoft Office programs, and internet navigation not only maximize employment potential but also simplify and streamline other areas of life.
One significant aspect of how computers and society intersect is that virtually anything is available on the internet. You can handle any task with the click of a button. From ordering food, scheduling deliveries, making appointments, online shopping – even viewing mail from a virtual post office, the possibilities are endless. But, without understanding how standard operating systems work, you’ll often resort to doing things at a slower pace and with many more obstacles. Operating hours, out-of-stock items, traffic, and waiting on the phone for customer service creates conflict that can be avoided or eliminated. Computer basics 101 courses provide an overview of how to use a computer such as how to power-on, using the mouse and keyboard, and desktop/application navigating, to name a few.
Many people consider searching for a job in person the old-fashioned way. However, it’s more common than you think. Searching for a job in person entails walking into an establishment and asking to speak to the manager. Upon introducing yourself, ask if they have any current openings or foresee a need for help in the future. If it’s a ‘no’ then it doesn’t hurt to hand them a printed copy of your resume and ask them to keep you in mind if things change. If it’s a ‘yes’ then be prepared to interview on the spot.
When applying for a job in person, you don’t have the computer screen to hide behind. The manager can see your facial expressions and read your body language. Know that you may get a handful of ‘no’ responses before you hear a ‘yes.’ It’s important to remain polite and positive even if you feel discouraged. You never know how quickly a job might open up. If your job search turns into an in-person interview, always be ready with printed copies of your resume. When searching for a job in person, the most important thing on your resume is your contact information. This is crucial so they know how to get a hold of you should you be hired.
An in-person job search is most common with hourly positions. This is because you have the ability to walk into establishments like restaurants and stores. However, it is not uncommon to walk into a corporate office with a resume in hand. This will likely require more research on your part to determine a company you’re interested in and its location.
The third way to search for a job is to attend a hiring event. These types of events are designed to gather a bunch of companies that are hiring into one place where people looking for jobs can come and apply and speak to the hiring managers. It’s sort of like speed dating for a job. A typical hiring event could have anywhere from 20 to 100 companies in attendance.
When attending a hiring event, you’ll want to bring multiple copies of your resume. Research ahead of time so you know which companies will be in attendance. Narrow down your top choices and go to those companies first when you get to the event. Be prepared to interview on the spot. You may even be hired on the spot, so it doesn’t hurt to be prepared to accept a position that day.
From resume and interview skills development to digital training and on-site hiring events, the Career Services at Goodwill of Central and Northern Arizona are open to everyone, free of charge, and readily available to help you land a job. To start on your exciting new job journey, we invite you to find a career center near you or sign up for one of our online training courses today.