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Soft Skills 100 | Team Work and Collaboration | Part 1

After reviewing the importance of communication and how it affects workplace dynamics, it’s essential to learn how it ties into being an ideal team player. This portion of soft skills training will outline the best practices in critical thinking, conflict resolution, and problem-solving. Once you know the benefits of these concepts and strategies for success, you can begin to implement them in your current or future role. Here is an overview of the topics covered in this part of the course.

Critical Thinking

When you form questions and assumptions about a topic or situation to reach a sound conclusion, it is considered critical thinking. This practice teaches you to approach a problem or make a judgment objectively and factually. After reviewing the facts, the decision that you reach will be based on logic as opposed to emotion. In the workplace, critical thinking helps you identify the source of a problem and brainstorm ways to fix it. It also enables you to draw inferences in a range of situations – which is a great skill to have as an ideal team player. Successful people use critical thinking to evaluate their surroundings and relationships, to consistently work toward being a better communicator.

Conflict Resolution
Critical thinking practices directly affect the way that we approach conflict resolution in the workplace. Problems that arise on the job are usually a result of a difference in perception; people can draw various conclusions from the same information. Though disagreements can be uncomfortable, they will likely continue until addressed. As an ideal team player, it is essential to respond to conflict when it arises. In this course, you will learn how to implement C.A.L.M. (clarify the issue, address the problem, listen to the other side, manage to resolve conflict) to neutralize a tense situation. You will also learn ways to approach conflict as an opportunity for growth and team building, instead of considering it a stressor.

When you have encountered an issue at work, the way that you go about solving it is a vital aspect of teamwork and collaboration. The key steps that you will learn act as an outline of the best ways to approach a problem. Soft Skills 100 will cover how to identify an objective, gather data, clarify the issue, generate ideas on how to solve it, select a solution, and implement the solution. In a team setting, you can often monitor how coworkers and colleagues solve problems and mirror their behaviors. Working together to generate solutions is a great communication tactic that can increase your chances of success.

Soft Skills 100 is the next step in your career development training that will give you the skills and knowledge you need to impress potential employers and secure stable employment. Once you have learned new techniques and brushed up on previous experience, your job search will become that much easier! Ready to enroll? Visit MyCareerAdvisor.com to learn how you can increase your interpersonal communication skills and gain the confidence to land your dream job.