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How to Find a Job This Summer

July 8, 2019

Whether you’re looking for part-time or full-time employment, the job market in the summer can be competitive. If you’re on the hunt for a new career or a way to bring in some secondary income, here are some tips on how to find a job that is fulfilling both financially and mentally.

How to Find a Job That’s Fulfilling:

  1. Research The Kind of Job You Want 
  2. Make Sure Your Resume is Updated 
  3. Clean Up Your Online Profiles 
  4. Search Online and In Person 
  5. Look Up the Companies That Interest You 
  6. Determine What Skills You Need

Research the Job You Want

To ensure you are happy and fulfilled in your job, it’s a good idea to think ahead about what kind of job you want. What personality traits do you possess that could indicate a job that’s a right fit for you? For example, if you’re outgoing and enjoy talking to people, a job in retail sales could be a good option, but you might go crazy if you’re at a desk all day. Look online or ask around to get an idea of the kind of jobs that are out there.

Update Your Resume

As you’re beginning to look for a job, it’s important that you’re already putting your best foot forward even before you start applying. Make sure your resume is updated with your job experience, applicable skills, and education. Once your resume is good to go, then you’ll be ready to apply when you find the right position.

Clean Up Your Online Profiles

Another good thing to do when you’re looking for a job is to put your best foot forward on the internet. Many companies will look at your social media profiles and other online resources when they’re deciding if you’re a suitable candidate. What does your social media say about you? It should be reflective of your personality and interests, but free of anything offensive or provocative.

Search Online and In Person

With so many available online job boards, it can be easy to forget that you can apply to jobs in person too. Many people might not remember a time when you would have to walk into a store and ask to fill out an application. This is still an option if there’s a particular place that interests you. It’s a good idea to do both. You’ll probably find a lot of jobs online that you can apply to, but having face time with a manager or employee in person can prove to be invaluable.

Look Up Interesting Companies

Before applying to a position that interests you, get to know the company by researching them online. You’ll need to do your research if you’re selected for an interview, but it’s also a good idea before you even apply. Do you align with the company’s values? Would your schedule work with their office or store hours? If you could see yourself as an extension of the company’s brand, then that’s a good sign you should apply.

Determine What Skills You Need

When conducting your job search, keep a list of the skills that you need for the type of job you want. You may already have them, or you may need to take a class or brush up so you can confidently claim it on your resume. Highlight these applicable skills on your resume and exclude the ones that don’t apply. You want your resume to stand out as a match for the job description.

Goodwill Career Services

From resume and interview skills development to digital training and on-site hiring events, the Career Services at Goodwill of Central and Northern Arizona are free of charge to help you land a job. Find a career center near you and get started with a career advisor today.